How to Become a Law of Attraction Certified Practitioner

Discover how to become a fully qualified Law of Attraction certified practitioner through Dr Joe Vitale's popular online training course. Available right now!

Perhaps you have already read Rhonda Byrne's hugely popular book, "The Secret" or watched the movie of the same name and were amazed by what it was showing you.

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law of attraction trainingYou would have been introduced to some of the top practitioners of the Law of Attraction that were interviewed or shared their expertise, knowledge and insights with you on screen.

They talked about their own experiences and shared some of their extensive knowledge with readers and viewers. They literally told and showed you how to get the law working in your life.

It gave hope to a great many people who read and/or watched The Secret by showing us that even when life seems to be going the wrong way, it is possible to turn things around and get it going the way we want it.

Why Do You Want to Be a Practitioner?

Wanting to be certified practitioner of the Law of Attraction can be for any number of reasons. It would depend on your own personal circumstances and aspersions.

However, I believe it's a question you should seriously ask yourself first.

For some it could be a way of growing personally by making it essential to become an expert and ensuring what you pass on to your own students is the best.

For others, the desire could be initiated by a financial motivation. It could form an alternative income source and if you become successful in your own right, could replace your job altogether!

For me it was a way to earn greater respect from acquaintances that also follow these laws. It was also to enhance the credibility necessary to, boost my confidence and further my own development as a writer and proponent of life coaching and personal development.

Who is Dr Joe Vitale?

Dr Joe Vitale was featured in The Secret and had a lot to say in the movie about how the law can be harnessed to attract a better life for you.Law of attraction expert dr joe vitale

I'm sure he struck a chord with you and maybe got you thinking very deeply about using this law to improve your own life.

I know he did it for me!

It wasn't until more recently I found out he also created a full featured training course along with expert NLP practitioner Steve G Jones to help students of these life laws to learn even more about it.

It also provides the means of qualifying to teach what you have learned to others.

With the Law of Attraction Certification accreditation provided by Joe Vitale's Global Sciences Foundation, you can take your knowledge to the classroom.

It's there you can teach it to people that might also want to learn more and do more.

How to Get the Course

Obtaining Dr Vitale's course is very easy and it is surprisingly affordable. That's considering the level of expert instruction provided and potential for your own financial gain and credibility upon completion.

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Click the link below to open the official training course page where you can read more details about it and buy it using a special discount "Enroll Now!" button near the foot of the page.

The course normally retails at $675. When you buy it through my special link above, it gets you the full course for only $47!

Once your payment is accepted, you'll be given a special link from which you'll be able to instantly download the full course. There is a contact page on the official website with a support email contact address for use if you run into any problems (details at the foot of this page).

What Will I Be Getting?

The course consists of five study manuals. Each one is approx 20 pages long, co-written by:

Here is a brief breakdown of what each part of the course will teach you:

How Long Does it Take?

The true beauty of this Law of Attraction practitioner certification course is its flexibility to fit in with your own abilities and time constraints. You can work your way through the course at your own pace, enabling you to feel happy and confident you have completely absorbed the information contained in each book before moving on to the next.

If you have plenty of free time and are keen to complete as quickly as you are able, there is nothing to stop you cramming it in just a few days. However, you will gain far more benefit from the teachings if you take it a little more slowly.

It's not a race! The mind learns and retains information best when the information is absorbed repetitively. I recommend re-reading each of the books several times before moving on to the subsequent book to really cement the teachings in your mind.

Once you are confident you have learned and fully understood the material, you can request to take the certification examination. A score of 75% or better is what you'll need to gain the certificate.

You are able to re-sit the exam twice more if you fail to reach the 75% score first time.

If you are a little nervous about taking tests, that's a great stress reliever right there! What's more, even if you fail to pass the first three times you take it, you can always pay an additional $25 to re-sit the exam a further 3 times, so they really have got you covered.

There's one other thing you could do along with this is after you have bought the course. That's to read my review article about Joe Vitale's Ho'oponopono certification for practitioners course and see if that's something you would like to learn about too.

Contacting Support

If you need to contact the support team at Global Sciences Foundation for any reason, the web address is:

I sometimes get emailed by purchasers of the course who for one reason or another missed the special link to download their course material. Each time I direct them to the web page above and they're soon happily receiving their course, so I decided to include it in this review article to save people a little time and hassle.

Posted on: September 19, 2024